What are the working hours of a taxi driver?
Taxi driving hours generally relies on-demand basis, it depends on what time the client wanted the taxi service, it could be very early morning for a journey to any airports, any distant-run taxi service or a very late taxi booking for clubbers. It is essential for the taxi drivers to be physically able to complete the job so, for all of the passengers, have a look on the face of your taxi driver if the eyes are droopy or during the journey, observe the over-all driving skills of your taxi driver.
A taxi driver who is employed by a taxi operator in Aldershot or Farnborough area usually have a set of working hours pattern, the working hours are usually mutually agreed. Rushmoor Taxis, A-Line taxis and other hackney taxi operators in Farnborough, Hampshire, (under the regulation of Rushmoor Borough Councils' Taxi Licensing Department) have their own set of working patterns for each drivers.
For self-employed taxi drivers, the working hours maybe less or extended, the driver maybe working with different taxi operators or attending to his own set of clienteles.
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